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The NilssonHedge Fund Database

NilssonHedge is the premier Hedge Fund database focused on Liquid Alternatives. We cover strategies ranging from Managed Futures to Long Short Equity via Crypto Trading Strategies. NilssonHedge is focused mainly on return data and analytics. We are operated by Investors for Investors.

Analytics, return overview, and a few analytical tools are part of our offering. In-depth insights into the hedge fund industry. The NilssonReport offers a near-complete oversight of managers that have reported returns.

We provide rankings of the best and worst performing funds on a continuous basis.

Find out which CTA, Equity Long/Short, Event-Driven, Market Neutral, Risk Premia, or Crypto managers had the best performance.

Add your strategy to our database, and provide transparency to interested investors. Listing your fund is a cost-efficient way to get exposure to a large set of potential investors.

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Our main database covers more than 2,000 active funds across liquid strategies. Our “graveyard” has coverage of close to 6,000 strategies.

We have created a truly unique, all-inclusive, analytical resource for analyzing hedge funds and managers.

The NilssonHedge database is focused on the returns of the funds. Provided to you in an analytically friendly approach suitable for analysis in your favorite tool.

Take control of the data. Follow your investments, and shortlisted managers, and understand exposures.

NilssonHedge is built around an automated Fintech solution, collecting data from a range of sources. Our engine combines sources and aggregates performance across managers, funds, distributors, and share classes.

Hedge Fund Database: NilssonHedge maintains a comprehensive database of hedge funds, including detailed information on their performance, strategies, assets under management, and other relevant data. This database serves as a valuable intelligence resource for investors looking to research and benchmark different hedge funds. We primarily cover liquid strategies. 

Benchmarking: NilssonHedge provides accurate and up-to-date performance reporting for a wide range of hedge funds. Our reporting includes metrics such as returns, volatility, drawdowns, and risk-adjusted performance measures. This can be tailored to a client’s specific needs. Our factsheets are unique and give instant insights into the viability of a particular strategy.

Hedge Fund Indices: NilssonHedge develops and publishes hedge fund indices that track the performance of specific investment strategies or sectors. These indices provide investors with realistic (but non-investable) benchmarks to gauge the performance of a wide range of strategies. Our daily indices are the “fastest” on the market.

Research and Analysis: NilssonHedge conducts in-depth research and analysis on various hedge fund strategies, market trends, and investment themes. We produce reports, and market insights that help investors gain a deeper understanding of the hedge fund industry and make more informed investment decisions.

Customized Solutions: NilssonHedge offers customized solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of institutional investors, family offices, and hedge fund investors and allocators. We work closely with clients to design and provide background information on hedge funds and provide ongoing monitoring and reporting services. Contact us to find out more.

Established in 2018, by an industry veteran. NilssonHedge features efficient data collection and large-scale distribution. We enable allocators, and institutional investors to find the funds that suit their portfolios. NilssonHedge is an established global leader in the Alternative Hedge Fund Database segment.

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